
Independent reviews of recently released fiction, non-fiction and kids’ books.

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The Intuition Toolkit by Joel Pearson

The Intuition Toolkit by Joel Pearson

The idea of a scientific exploration of intuition seems oxymoronic. This is, however, definitely science in ...
How To Love by Alex Norris

How To Love by Alex Norris

Oh my goodness, this book is so clever and readable and, well, cute! Written in a graphic-style type of ...
A Therapeutic Journey by Alain de Botton

A Therapeutic Journey by Alain de Botton

De Botton’s experience with his educational venture, The School of Life, is far-reaching in the topics that matter ...
Oh Miriam! by Miriam Margolyes

Oh Miriam! by Miriam Margolyes

In This Much is True, published in 2021, anecdotes about Miriam Margolyes’ full and sometimes bizarre life ...
Talking Sex by Vanessa Hamilton

Talking Sex by Vanessa Hamilton

Let’s talk about sex. Despite being a sexual health nurse and sexuality educator, author Vanessa Hamilton realised ...
Writing For Busy Readers by Todd Rogers & Jessica Lasky-Fink

Writing For Busy Readers by Todd Rogers & Jessica Lasky-Fink

The key to writing for busy readers is to have clarity, relevance and conciseness. In keeping with that concept, I ...
Sleepless by Marie Darrieussecq

Sleepless by Marie Darrieussecq

In our 24/7, open-all-hours, switched-on, screen-driven contemporary existence, it’s no surprise that some of us ...
Unf*ck Your Brain by Faith G Harper

Unf*ck Your Brain by Faith G Harper

Self-help books that use the neurobiology of trauma as their basis aren’t new, but they’re much more common in our ...
Difficult People by Rebecca Ray

Difficult People by Rebecca Ray

The difficult person in your life could come with various characteristics: controlling, intimidating, belittling, ...
The Light We Carry by Michelle Obama

The Light We Carry by Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama, the former First Lady of the US, became despondent when Hilary Clinton lost to Donald Trump in the ...
The Good Gut Anti-inflammatory Diet by Prof Phil Hansbro

The Good Gut Anti-inflammatory Diet by Prof Phil Hansbro

Prof Hansbro says that microbiota are the ‘distinct communities of microorganism that jostle for space in our ...
Don’t Trust Your Gut by Seth Stephens-Davidowitz

Don’t Trust Your Gut by Seth Stephens-Davidowitz

This novel approach to decision-making sets out to disrupt our usual methodology by suggesting that trawling ...
What I Wish People Knew About Dementia by Wendy Mitchell

What I Wish People Knew About Dementia by Wendy Mitchell

The Lonely Hunter by Aimee Lutkin

The Lonely Hunter by Aimee Lutkin

Proof positive that real life doesn’t wrap stories up with neat bows. If this was a 90s-era romcom, author Aimée ...
Home and Dry by Birgit Bulla

Home and Dry by Birgit Bulla

Most women at some point will have issues with their bladders, whether that is a urinarytract infection, ...
Happy Days by Gabrielle Bernstein

Happy Days by Gabrielle Bernstein

When I saw the title of this book my mind jumped to Samuel Beckett’s existentialist tragicomic play of the same ...
I May Be Wrong by Bjorn Natthiko Lindeblad

I May Be Wrong by Bjorn Natthiko Lindeblad

How refreshing it is to find a Buddhist monk who has trouble meditating. Björn Lindeblad is a Swedish ...
The Sweetest Fruits by Monique Truong

The Sweetest Fruits by Monique Truong

The story of Lafcadio Hearn is already interesting: a man with Greek-Irish heritage, who spent years in America ...
The Space Between the Stars by Indira Naidoo

The Space Between the Stars by Indira Naidoo

You may well know Indira Naidoo from TV and radio. Her latest book is a courageous and magical volume that is part ...
Skin Deep by Phillipa McGuinness

Skin Deep by Phillipa McGuinness

Skin Deep is an exploration of our largest and most visible organ, our skin. McGuinness explores the science of ...
Sweat: A History of exercise by Bill Hayes

Sweat: A History of exercise by Bill Hayes

Hayes lists his two natural environments as the gym and the library. This book marries the two, and there’s a neat ...

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