Nothing Bad Ever Happens by Heather Rose

Our Rating
Author: Heather Rose

Category: Biography & true stories

Book Format: Paperback / softback

Publisher: Allen & Unwin

ISBN: 9781761066320

RRP: $32.99

This is a book that will definitely change your outlook on life in a profoundly positive way.

Heather Rose suffers a huge family loss at age 12 – her wonderful Tasmanian childhood is detonated in one afternoon and the rest of her formative years are fractured and difficult. Yet, she sets out to purposefully find meaning and truth. The memoir sees her travel the world, have a family and a career. There is much to admire in her accomplishments but what makes this memoir so special is the way she consciously connects every daily action to one of discovery. A swim, a bush walk are all sensory delights and a way to replenish and nurture her soul. Good food and wine are savoured and celebrated for their nourishment.

This book is part a call to arms to save our trees and planet, part travel guide and part self-help book. It is hugely impressive and inspiring.

The strength of conviction Heather Rose shows is unparalleled – the dedication to seeking her truth sees her spend months in a monastery and, most interestingly, sees her commit to a Sun Dance with Native Americans. This account is so fascinating and I was drawn into this ritual that she committed to for four years, even though she had small children and a job.

Nothing Bad Ever Happens Here is full of wise words but is also funny, sad and one of those books you can’t wait to share so you can spread the love. A truly remarkable, thought-provoking and inspiring book.

Highly recommended.

Reviewed by Nicola Skinstad

Read reviews for Heather Rose’s previous books here.

Listen to Heather Rose talking about her book Nothing Bad Ever Happens Here on Radio National here.

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